Archive-Pro-Matic | Documentation
Sidebar Widget
Sidebar Widget
Archive-Pro-Matic includes an easy to use sidebar widget.
Title of the widget. No title will be displayed if left blank.
Multiple select to filter archive list by one or more categories.
Check this box to display the number of posts in an archive. For use with all archive types except ‘alpha’ and ‘postbypost’.
Enter a taxonomy slug to filter the archive list by taxonomy.
Select the type of archive list to display. Options are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly (Default), Decade, Alpha and Post by Post.
Enter a term slug to filter the archive list by term.
Select which post type to list archives by. Any registered post types may be selected. Default is ‘post’.
Select type of highlight for yearly type archives. Options for the highlight attribute are: None, Current Year, Active Year, Current Year & Active Year.
Select the format to display the archive list in. Options are: HTML (Default), Option, Link, and Custom. See WordPress codex for more detail on format parameters.
Check to include any before and after text as part of archive link.
Text to place before the link when using ‘html’ or ‘custom’ format options. There is no default.
Used to adjust the way dates are displayed in the archive list. See the php date function for date format options.
Text to place after the link when using ‘html’ or ‘custom’ format options. There is no default.
Text that is to be displayed as the default selected option when using the option format.
Number of archive results to display.
Order to list the archives: ASC or DESC. This field will change to Alpha Sort or Post Sort depending on which archive Type is selected.