Collapse-Pro-Matic | Documentation
Shortcode Attributes
Shortcode Attributes
When working with shortcodes using the classic editor in WordPress it’s best to use the Text Editor. The Visual Editor in WordPress tends to add unwanted formatting elements, especially when pasting examples, producing undesired results. When using the WordPress Block Editor, simply use the shortcode block. as this is exactly what it’s made for.
The [expand]
shortcode is used to create a Collapse-Pro-Matic accordion element. Below is a full list of all shortcode attributes and special classes that can be used to customize the accordion elements. Live demonstrations and latest features can be found on our testing site under the category: Collapse-Pro-Matic.
The expand_on attribute is used to assign one or more WordPress Conditional Tags that will auto-expand the element if true. Any JavaScript function that return true/false may also be used as a value for this attribute.
The following would display as expanded when viewed on a single post or search results page:
[expand title="Trigger Text" expand_on="is_single, is_search"]Target Text[/expand]
The title attribute is used to define the clickable text use to trigger the accordion effect. The title attribute is the only required attribute for an expand element.
[expand title="Trigger Text"][/expand]
To assign target content for the expand element, wrapping the content within the shortcode tags like so:
[expand title="Trigger Text"]Target Content[/expand]
Placeholders may be used as a work-around to include shortcodes or HTML inside the title attribute.
The external_trigger attribute is used to define the ids of elements to be used as an external trigger. This allows any HTML element that has a unique id and a class of colomat_trigger to be used as a remote trigger for an expand element. See the Collapse-Pro-Matic Advanced External Triggers for a full walk through.
The swaptitle attribute is used to ‘swap’ or replace the title while in the expanded state.
[expand title="On" swaptitle="Off"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Open" swaptitle="Close"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title=""Read More..." swaptitle="...Read Less"]Target Content[/expand]
The swapalt attribute is used to assign alternate alt and title attributes of an expand element that uses swaptitle.
[expand title="On" swaptitle="Off" swapalt="Turn off the lights!"]Target Content[/expand]
Use the trigpos attribute change the position of the trigger above or below the target. Default trigpos value is above.
[expand title="Open" trigpos="below"]Target Content[/expand]
An amount to offset the scroll position for both the Findme Attribute and URL anchors. Positive and negative numbers are used to offset the scroll up or down to compensate for absolute positioned elements such as sticky menus at the top of the page.
[expand title="Trigger" findme="auto" offset="-20"]Target Content[/expand]
Setting the ID attribute will assign the expand element a HTML ID attribute with the provided value. Do not use duplicate ID values on elements that will exist on the same page. If no ID attribute is defined, the ID will be automatically assigned a unique, random value.
[expand title="Pocket Calculator" id="kraftwerk"]Target Content[/expand]
When an ID attribute is defined, the value can be used as an URL anchor to automatically expand and scroll to the target content on page load (demo).
Use the cookiename attribute define the name of cookie used to save the collapse state of individual elements. This allows the current expanded state to persist across pageloads and return visits. The name should be unique for each element. How long the expand/collapse state is stored in the cookie is determined by the Cookie Expires value.
[expand title="Trigger Text" cookiename="monkey"]Content[/expand]
Setting the expanded attribute to true will set the default position of the element to open (expanded). The default position is closed (collapsed).
[expand title="Vader" expanded="true"]Target Content[/expand]
The tag attribute replaces the default HTML tag that wraps the trigger text. The HTML tag is set globally in the plugin options, under Tag.
[expand title="A Long Time Ago" tag="h2"]Target Content[/expand]
The targtag attribute replaces the default HTML tag that wraps the target content. By default the HTML tag is div.
[expand title="A Long Time Ago" targtag="strong"]Target Content[/expand]
The alt attribute is used to provide additional information on non-textual screen elements that is used by screen readers and robots. In modern browsers alt text no longer “pops up” on roll-over, the title attribute is now used for this.
[expand title="Imperial Starfleet" alt="Empire Strikes Back"]Target Content[/expand]
The notitle attribute is used to prevent any hover-over text from being displayed.
[expand title="Cloud City" notitle="true"]Target Content[/expand]
Placeholders allow HTML and shortcodes to be used within the title, swaptitle, startwrap, endwrap, excerpt and swapexcerpt attributes:
%(% = < %)% = > %{% = [ %}% = ]
See the Collapse-O-Matic Excerpt Shortcode Test for further details on how these are used.
The startwrap/endwrap tags are used to wrap a trigger in extra HTML.
[expand title="Hoth System" startwrap="<strong>" endwrap="</strong>"]Target Content[/expand]
The elwraptag attribute is used to wrap the entire collapse element.
<ul>[expand title="Dagobah" elwraptag="li"]Target Content[/expand]</ul>
Assigning the tabindex attribute a numerical value will set the trigger element the same tabindex value. As of Collapse-O-Matic version 1.6.4 the default is tabindex=”0″ and allows the trigger element’s tabindex to be placed in the default navigation order. Initial tests and more information on the tabindex attribute at Collapse-O-Matic Tabindex Test.
The trigclass attribute allows the user to assign a custom class to the trigger element. This class will be added after the required collapseomatic class that is assigned by default. Multiple classes can be added separated with a space.
[expand title="A New Hope" trigclass="highlight"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Jedi" trigclass="noarrow my_button"]Target Content[/expand]
The targclass attribute allows the user to assign a custom class to the target element. This class will be added after the required collapseomatic_content class that is assigned by default.
[expand title="The Empire Strikes Back" targclass="highlight"]Target Content[/expand]
The targpos attribute is used to change the position of the target content. Currently the only accepted value is ‘inline’. For best results, targpos should be used when:
[expand title="Laugh It Up, Fuzzball" excerpt="Laugh It Up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy." targtag="span" targpos="inline"]Target Content[/expand]
The rel attribute is used to group related expand elements by the assigned value. Expanding a member of one group will automatically collapse any expanded elements the belong to another group.
[expand title="Star Wars" rel="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Star Trek" rel="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Battlestar Galactica" rel="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Space Race" rel="history"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Ansari X Prize" rel="history"]Target Content[/expand]
See Rel vs Togglegroup for a working demo.
The togglegroup attribute and the related data-togglegroup HTML attribute are used to reference groups of expand elements without auto-collapsing other groups, as when using the group attribute.
[expand title="Star Wars" togglegroup="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Star Trek" togglegroup="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Battlestar Galactica" togglegroup="fiction"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Space Race" togglegroup="history"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Ansari X Prize" togglegroup="history"]Target Content[/expand]
See Rel vs Togglegroup for a working demo.
If -highlander is added to all elements of a defined group (see Rel and Togglegroup), expanding one element will force all other elements in the same group to collapse: Highlander: There can be only one.
The following is an example of rel highlander grouping:
[expand title="Monkeys" rel="animal-highlander"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Donkeys" rel="animal-highlander"]Target Content[/expand]
Highlander grouping can also be used with the togglegroups:
[expand title="Monkeys" togglegroup="animal-highlander"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Donkeys" togglegroup="animal-highlander"]Target Content[/expand]
If one member of a highlander group is open, all closed members are assigned a class based on the group name: group_name_closed. In the examples above, all non-expanded items in the highlander group could be given a grey color by adding the following CSS:
.animal-highlander_closed {
color: #cccccc;
Scroll the page to the trigger, target, or fixed value when expanded. Accepted values are:
[expand title="Stars" rel="star-highlander" findme="7070"]Target Content[/expand]
[expand title="Constellations" rel="star-highlander" findme="auto"]Target Content[/expand]
Use data-findme
to define the findme value when using the roll-your-own method to create the collapse elements.
<div class="collapseomatic find-me" id="my_example" title="trigger text" data-findme="target">trigger text</div>
<div id="target-my_example" class="collapseomatic_content">Target Content</div>
A second trigger element can be placed anywhere within the expanded content that will trigger a collapse. To accomplish this:
[expand title="R2 may have been stolen" id="stolenr2"]
Target Content
<span class="collapseomatic colomat-close" id="bot-stolenr2">click here to close</span>
While findme is triggered when the element is expanded, scrollonclose triggers when the element is collapsed. The scrollonclose attribute may be assigned an exact offset-scroll value to scroll the page after the element collapses.
[expand title="Close-n-Scroll Auto" scrollonclose="auto"]Closing this should auto scroll the page so the element is displayed at the top of the page.[/expand]
[expand title="Close-n-Scroll" scrollonclose="7000"]Closing this will auto scroll the element to 7000 pixels from the top.[/expand]
The excerpt attribute is used to display a teaser, or short nibble of text that hints at the content of the collapsed target text.
[expand title="Laugh It Up, Fuzzball" excerpt="Laugh It Up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy"]Target Content[/expand]
The excerptpos attribute is used to position the excerpt in one of three locations:
[expand title="Harvest Moon" excerpt="The Family Guy - Blue Harvest" excerptpos="above-trigger"]Target Content[/expand]
The excerptclass attribute adds the defined class to the HTML element that wraps the excerpt text. This class will be added in addition to the default collapseomatic_excerpt class.
[expand title="Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" excerpt="The Family Guy parody of The Empire Strikes Back" excerptclass="highlight"]Target Content[/expand]
The excerpttag attribute replaces the default HTML tag that wraps the excerpt text. Default excerpt HTML tag is DIV.
[expand title="It's a Trap!" excerpt="The Family Guy parody of Return of the Jedi" excerpttag="h2"]Target Content[/expand]
The swapexcerpt attribute is used to swap out or replace the excerpt when the content is in the expanded state.
[expand title="Millennium Falcon" excerpt="Owner: Hans Solo" swapexcerpt="Previous Owner: Lando Calrissian"]Target Content[/expand]
The animation_effect attribute is used to control the collapse/expand animation effect.
Valid values for this attribute are:
[expand title="trigger text" animation_effect="slideFade"]content[/expand]
The data-animation_effect attribute is used when rolling your own expand elements:
<div class="collapseomatic" id="some_id" title="trigger text" data-animation_effect="slideFade">content</div>
The duration attribute is used to control the speed of the collapse/expand animation in milliseconds.
[expand title="trigger text" duration="2000"]content[/expand]
The data-duration attribute is used when rolling your own expand elements:
<div class="collapseomatic" id="some_id" title="trigger text" data-duraton="2000">content</div>